Going through dental surgery is not easy or fun – this is why this dental soft diet food list should help you out.
At this point, you may not be in the mood for consuming a hearty meal. After all, dental surgery can make your teeth delicate. You most certainly would not put your teeth to so much stress with a lot of chewing.
This is why we have created this list of dental soft diet food for you. Find out what the best foods are for you at this time and what to avoid. Let’s dive right into it.

Dental Soft Diet Food List
When you need to go through oral surgery, it helps to prepare your menu ahead of time. Expect your teeth and gums to be more sensitive, which means it is best to stick to soft foods.
Dental surgery includes a number of procedures such as dental implant placement, bone graft, wisdom teeth removal, root canal, tooth extraction, and gum graft surgery. After your treatment, you can expect your mouth to feel sore. This is why you should consider minimizing the stress and irritation your open wound can experience through a soft diet.
By consuming soft foods, you can allow your teeth and gums to heal properly. This also ensures a quicker recovery after your dental surgery.
However, you may be thinking that soft foods are quite limited. But this cannot be farther from the truth. In fact, there are so many nutritious and tasty foods that are soft and easy to swallow when you have just gone through dental surgery.
These include soft scrambled eggs, shakes, smoothies, frozen yogurt, pureed soups, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, chicken salad, well-cooked pasta, and mashed potatoes. If you are vegan, then you can munch on some steamed vegetables or kiwi, as well as other softer fruits including blueberries, raspberries, and peaches.
Now, in addition to these foods, you should also consider the cooking method implemented. You should stay away from deep fried foods that are crispy and crunchy. Instead, opt for steamed and boiled. Also, you should maintain the ideal temperature of foods you eat. This also facilitates the healing and recovery process.
Instead of sipping a very hot drink, you should choose warm ones – not piping hot, boiled beverages. Warm soups or drinks help with the healing and will not irritate your gums and teeth.
You should choose foods that are nutritious and can provide you with the necessary nutrients for proper healing. In particular, protein is good for you as it is a building block responsible for the repair of your skin, tissue, and muscle.
Healthy fats, vitamins and minerals are just as important for healing. Consume more foods that are rich in vitamin C, which assists in the repair of tissues. These nutritious foods include beef or chicken broth, protein powder, mashed potatoes, mashed avocados, kiwis, and berries.
On the other hand, you should avoid certain foods that are not advisable after dental work. These include spicy foods, tomato sauce, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, popcorn, cracked pepper, seeds, tomatoes and tomato juice, orange juice, and any hard foods that can tire your gums from chewing.
If you need some great suggestions for soft foods to eat after your oral surgery, you can choose from low-sugar yogurt, oatmeal, soft cheeses, and soft scrambled eggs for breakfast. But when it comes to lunch, among your best options include butternut squash soup, lentil soup, chicken salad, and well-cooked pasta. You can also have a tuna salad or chicken salad if you are vegan.
You may be tempted to eat apples and popcorn, but if you just had dental surgery, then you need to take it easy on these. In fact, you should avoid these foods. The same goes for sugar-rich foods such as ice cream, chocolate, or milkshakes. Because of the high sugar content, you increase your chances of getting dental decay and gingivitis.
For dinner, you can eat steamed vegetables such as squash or peas, as well as tilapia or salmon – just make sure these are cooked well but not crispy.
Benefits Of Dental Soft Diet Food List
There are indeed so many soft foods you can consume after dental surgery. But at the same time, you should choose these carefully. By doing so, you will not end up eating a bunch of junk foods or those that will do more harm than good for you.
In addition to protein, there are a few other minerals that are ideal for those who have just gone through dental surgery. Among these essential minerals are calcium, zinc, and iron, as well as vitamins D, A, and C. Top foods to eat are scrambled eggs, frozen yogurt, mashed bananas, hummus, cereals, baked apples, and ripe fruits. If you like vegetables, then there is boiled or steamed squash, green beans, and carrots.
However, you are better off avoiding small and grainy foods with particles that are highly likely to get lodged within your surgical location. This is why supporting your diet with nutritious foods can definitely help with your recovery process.
Eat To Your Health
On an average day, we are pretty sure you can handle a variety of meals your body is used to. This includes beans, potatoes, rice, and others that may either be too crispy or crunchy. But then, if you just had dental surgery, you need to give your mouth a bit of a break from the chewing. This gives your gums a chance to recover after much work has been done to it.
This is why we hope this post has been helpful in giving you an idea of what to eat that is most ideal for your condition. Then, you can plan your meals and make sure every food is great and suitable for your needs.